iPad or iPad 2: Which One Should You Buy?

The New: iPad2 Apple's new iPad 2 has changed everything. It is lighter, faster, thinner and lighter, with two cameras and a variety of new features in the latest operating system. The new version, like many Apple products, starts at $499. FaceTime is the most prominent feature. It uses the two cameras built into the iPad 2 and 4 to allow live video calls over Wi-Fi between users. The camera at the front allows you to show off your face, while the camera at the back lets you show off what you see. For example, you could show Grandma in another state the baby ipad rental singapore . This is what many people consider the best feature of the iPad 2. The large screen provides a clear image of loved ones and allows you to keep in touch. The new iPad 2 has an accelerometer, GPS, and compass. These three functions work together to determine which direction the iPad is facing or turning. This means that you can play many different apps and games on your iPad 2....